Omnia Mutantur

Back in September I got another tattoo. I had been contemplating it for years, ever since reading the final trade of The Sandman, written by Neil Gaiman. The Latin quote is attributed to Ovid's Metamorphoses, literally meaning "Everything changes, nothing perishes", though Gaiman's interpretation is what ultimately struck a chord with me, so I felt it important to keep Todd Klein's original lettering.

I lucked into a last minute cancellation to be inked by Laura Casey of Lady Lo's Custom Tattoos in downtown St. John's. It was a positive experience, and of course got the gears churning for three larger pieces I've been mulling over for ages...

Omnia mutantur, nihil interit.
"Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost."

But for now I am winding down, ready to embrace that which I formerly misjudged: a New Year's Eve at home in my jams, possibly asleep before midnight (omnia mutantur).


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